Protecting your account with 2-Step Verification

2-Step verification also known as two-factor verification is a way to help secure your account if your password is stolen or compromised.

Turn on 2-step verification on the web app:

  • Click on the profile picture in the top right corner of the web page
  • Click on the settings link
  • Find and click on the Settings tab and go to Security
  • Click on the On/Off button under Enable 2-Step Verification

Turn on 2-step verification on the mobile app:

  • Open the app and click the menu icon in the top right corner.
  • Click on Settings and go to Security  in the list.
  • Click on the switch button next to Enable 2-Step Verification

This feature sends a secret to your email account used on your FlixMe account for you to verify.

2-step verification requires that you have access to your email account. Just like with your password, if you don't have access to the email account that is used on your FlixMe account, you will lose access to your FlixMe account.

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